Chapel sv. Jan Nepomucký in Mílov

Author: Zuzana Zetková
historical monument
Boží Dar

The restored chapel symbolises the previously displaced and defunct settlement of Mílov/ Rozhraní, which was spread over the Czech-Saxonian state border. In 1945, the inhabitants of the then four houses were displaced, and in 1953, the houses, including the chapel, were destroyed and levelled. During the restoration of the chapel in 2013, granite stones from the original houses (one from each) were used for the construction of the floor. The chapel may be reached from the reservoir Myslivny on foot or by bike along a marked cycle path/ hiking trail.



Evropská unie. Evropský fond pro regionální rozvoj.

The project no. 100283815 "Use of modern interactive technologies for the protection, preservation and promotion of natural and cultural heritage" is carried out within the framework of the cross-border cooperation program between the Czech Republic and the Free State of Saxony 2014-2020