Lookout tower Boží Dar

Author: Zuzana Zetková
Lookout tower Nezařazené
Boží Dar

You can find Boží vyhlídka, literally God’s view, 600m southeast of the town of Boží Dar (50.4054331N, 12.9324586E), in the Neklid area near the upper station of the ski lift Za Prahou, at the altitude of 1,099m. In favourable conditions, you can see the Jáchymov Valley, Karlovy Vary, Božídarský Špičák or Small Fichtelberg from the viewpoint.

The lookout tower has a wooden frame which is covered with stainless steel plates with two large viewing windows.

It is freely accessible from April to October.



Evropská unie. Evropský fond pro regionální rozvoj.

The project no. 100283815 "Use of modern interactive technologies for the protection, preservation and promotion of natural and cultural heritage" is carried out within the framework of the cross-border cooperation program between the Czech Republic and the Free State of Saxony 2014-2020