Baby Jesus Trail

Author: Zuzana Zetková
Boží Dar

This is an impressive trail that will enthuse both children and adults . The Baby Jesus Trail begins at the Infocentre of Boží Dar, where you receive instructions and you may buy a special Baby Jesus notepad. You can write down your answers to questions you find in 13 shelters along the way. The trail is divided into two circuits – small (5.6km) and large (12.9km) and includes lots of attractions for children. The journey can be completed on foot, by bike or with a pram.


Evropská unie. Evropský fond pro regionální rozvoj.

The project no. 100283815 "Use of modern interactive technologies for the protection, preservation and promotion of natural and cultural heritage" is carried out within the framework of the cross-border cooperation program between the Czech Republic and the Free State of Saxony 2014-2020